300 S. Tarver Ave
Lebanon, Tennessee
We have a large, active, and growing Hispanic community in our parish. Our parish welcomes all from every country. We strive to follow St. Frances Cabrini's example as she is the patroness of immigrants. Our Spanish schedule is:
Mass Times: Thursdays at 7pm and Sundays at 1pm.
Holy Hour: First Saturdays at 7pm
Holy Day of Obligation: 7pm
RICA: Sundays at 9:30am
Choir/Coro: Nancy Garcia - n.alarcon97@yahoo.com
RICA: Maria Elena Hernandez - are@sfctn.org
Quinceaneras: Heidy Hernandez - heidy_mav@hotmail.com
Liturgical Ministries: Olga Gonzalez Watkins -gonwatkins@yahoo.com
Food Pantry: Dalia Ascencio - ascenciodl@hotmail.com
Marriage/Matrimonio: Maria Elena Hernandez - are@sfctn.org
Security: Pedro Hernandez
Meet some new friends and join us for some crafting! No experience needed!
We make blankets and more for our community and parish. Check the bulletin for our next meeting!